Sundays at 9:30am

Worship In Person or Online!


We worship in person and online on Sundays at 9:30am.

Services available via live stream on Sundays at 9:30am.

 View the LIVE STREAM on our WEBSITE

or visit us on YOUTUBE.

(services will be archived on YouTube following the live worship)

Our Church Office Hours are:

Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays 

10:00am-2:00pm or by appointment

Your financial support helps us pursue our vision of

providing hope to our community!

Read our weekly eNews to stay up to date on all things UMCA! Read on your browser or contact the church office for delivery to your inbox!
Click for E-News
Ministry Highlights
Alexandra House
The Drawer
Stepping Stone
Toys for Joy




Our staffed nursery is available every Sunday during worship.

Confirmation on Wednesday Evenings September-May.

Contact us for more information at 763-421-2378.
UMCA has several small groups currently meeting     In-person and on Zoom. These include Bible Study, book groups,  knitting and quilting and more!We would love to help you connect to an existing group or to start a new group! CONTACT US!

Sewing and Quilting

Do you love crafting, sewing, or quilting? Join a fun group of folks to work on a variety of projects, including many to support our local community. The group meets a few times a month at UMCA and enjoys friendship and fellowship. New friends are always welcome! 
CONTACT US to get connected to this group!
Breakfast Book Scholars, Thursdays at 8:00am
Bring Your Bible, Thursdays at 9:30am
Contact the Church office if you have any questions or want to learn more. 763-421-2378


Music Ministry has been the heart and soul of UMCA for generations. Now, during a season of pandemic, we are finding creative ways to keep music central to our worship and expression of our faith!
We embrace many styles of music and include a wide variety of music in our worship, such as organ, piano, handbells, acoustic guitar, and many ensembles. Styles range from classical to modern and even include the occasional visit from a jug band or a barbershop quartet! We love to have musicians of all ages and skill levels use their gifts to glorify God!
We also see music as a ministry and love caroling at the local hospital each year!
We’re looking for musicians willing to share their talents. Interested? CONTACT US!

United for the Community!

Our vision at UMCA is providing hope to our community. Our signature ministry, United for the Community, encompasses all the ways that we seek to live in service to others as followers of Jesus. This ministry builds community as we rely on many community partners who come alongside us in these ministries.
We invite our neighbors to a variety of events throughout the year, including a back to school backpack giveaway and summer Bible day camp for kids! Church members coordinate and volunteer for local organizations including Meals on Wheels, ACBC food shelf, local schools, domestic violence shelters, and many more! We send contributions throughout the year to missions through UMCOR.
CONTACT US to learn more about serving others with UMCA!

Caring Ministry

Making connections with each other is one of the best things about becoming part of a congregation! Here at UMCA, we are finding creative ways to build and maintain connections wherever we can, especially as many of the people we love most are feeling isolated and at high risk.
You can offer care and support in a variety of ways. Here are a few ideas:
  • We can give you a few names of people who would enjoy receiving a card now and then, and you can write to them
  • Join our calling team and commit to call one or several folks each week to check in, listen, and pray together.
  • Let us know if you’d be willing to deliver groceries, pick up medications, or help in other ways.
CONTACT US for more ideas or to volunteer!

